a lover of interior design, architecture, travel, good food, wine and all things French. i live in Melbourne when not renovating an 18th-century former auberge in Le Perche normandy, but dream of one day living in the middle of a vineyard in France and spending my weekends in Paris.

Trying to live a slow life, I am no happier than wandering through a village on their market day, enjoying a cafe at the local Tabac and watching the lively local scene, before returning home to set a table for lunch, sinking in around it with my loved ones, listening to them laugh, share stories and talk over one another.

I am hoping this blog will be a little like that - sharing my France with you, tablescaping, hunting for treasures at a weekend brocante somewhere in the superb French countryside (my guilty pleasure), sharing recipes, favourite books and finds.

Lets chat and share, bisous xxSara

Contributor to

YOLO France Newsletter

YOLO Journal #10 Summer 2022 ‘The Villages of Le Perche’